The Transformation of Cancer Imaging: From Shades of Gray to Living Color
ndavis • Date: September 30, 2015
Promising a transformation in biomedical imaging, a new technology called spectral [color] computed tomography is at work on the University of Notre Dame’s campus, where researchers are giving the phrase “in living color” a new meaning.
>Full StoryNew Approach to Mammograms Could Improve Reliability
nwelding • Date: September 18, 2015
A recent article in the journal ASC Nano describes a process using targeted gold nanoparticles: "Detecting breast cancer in women with dense mammary tissues could become more reliable with a new mammogram procedure that researchers have now tested in pre-clinical studies of mice."
>Full StoryNews items from 2002 to 2007
staff • Date: June 18, 2015