Eric Jumper
Roth-Gibson Professor, Aerospace and Mechanical Engineering
Areas of Interest
Unstead forcing and responses in turbomachines, aero-optics, aircraft wake dynamics

Edward Kinzel
Associate Professor, Aerospace and Mechanical Engineering
Areas of Interest
Laser material interaction, additive manufacturing, optics, infared/optical antenna/metasurfaces, micro/nanofabrication

Robert Landers
Advanced Manufacturing Collegiate Professor
Areas of Interest
Manufacturing process control and control applications

Sergey Leonov
Research Professor, Aerospace and Mechanical Engineering
Areas of Interest
Supersonic Flows / hypersonics, aerothermodynamics, high-speed combustion and plasma-assisted combustion, experimental plasma aerodynamics, weakly ionized plasma generation, flow actuation by electrical discharges, diagnostics of low-temperature plasma

Tengfei Luo
Dorini Family Professor for Energy Studies and Associate Department Chair
Associate Chair, Aerospace and Mechanical Engineering
Areas of Interest
Molecular simulations; machine learning; materials informatics; smart manufacturing; nanoscale heat and mass transfer; water desalination

Jingcheng Ma
Assistant Professor, Aerospace and Mechanical Engineering
Areas of Interest
interfacial thermofluids phenomena, bioelectronic devices, biosensors, biomedical devices

Jonathan MacArt
Assistant Professor, Aerospace and Mechanical Engineering
Areas of Interest
Turbulence, combustion, high-performance computing

Eric Matlis
Research Associate Professor, Aerospace and Mechanical Engineering
Areas of Interest
Stability of compressible boundary layers, plasma sensors, plasma flow control, hypersonics, wind-turbine engineering

Karel Matouš
Professor, Aerospace and Mechanical Engineering
Areas of Interest
Computational science and engineering; data-driven modeling of complex systems; multiscale and multi-physics modeling; numerical methods; high-performance computing

Ryan McClarren
Professor, Aerospace and Mechanical Engineering
AME Director of Graduate Studies
Areas of Interest
Application of machine learning and compressed sensing to numerical simulation, uncertainty quantification